I agree to hold confidential all information that Rafiki Mwema Incorporated (Rafiki) has placed restrictions on, and to release it to persons outside the organisation only when authorised by the organisation and subject to any conditions set by the organisation.
I undertake to:
- access information held by the organisation only when necessary to perform my assigned duties
- make copies of restriction information only when necessary to perform my assigned duties
- oversee the storage and handling of restricted information to minimise the risk of its diversion in unauthorised channels
- take reasonable care to properly secure confidential information on my computer or hardcopy documents and will take steps to ensure that others cannot view or access such information
- not disclose any information provided to me in confidence by Rafiki staff or Executive Committee members without written permission of the Executive Committee
- not utilise any intellectual property of Rafiki for any purpose other than that of the organisation and with written approval of the Executive Committee
- not act on behalf of Rafiki in any capacity without written confirmation of the Executive Committee and when acting on behalf of the organisation, seek Executive Committee approval on any outward facing material I propose to use
- not disclose my personal password(s) related to Rafiki information to anyone without the express written permission of the organisation, or record or post it in an accessible location, and will refrain from performing any tasks using another person’s password; and
- notify my supervisor if I have reason to believe that my access codes or passwords have been compromised.