Doyle Farm
Our farm

In November 2015 our biggest dream at Rafiki Mwema came true. Like a couple of angels, a couple who had followed our work for years decided to step in and buy a farm for us in Kenya, so we could help more children in a more effective way to heal from their trauma.
Kate and Noel Doyle are hugely generous and have helped hundreds of children around the world. They have supported orphanages in Nakuru and literally some of the most needy children across the globe. They have shone their light of generosity and love on Rafiki Mwema.

Life on the farm
Rafiki Jasiri
Built in 2019, Rafiki Jasiri School is a long held dream come true for Rafiki Mwema. Having a safe school on the farm for our small girls to learn and develop without fear has been always been a major goal. It is now reality thanks to our African Affair Gala in 2019 and the Sleepy’s Kotara Gala in 2019.
Queen’s castle
Built in 2016, the Queen’s Castle is a house for our Big Girls. Named after Constance Hall’s major fundraiser in 2016 that raised $200000, our biggest fundraiser to date.
King’s Castle
Built in 2018, the King’s Castle consists of two divisions, the small boys’ house and the big boys’ house. The entire funds were provided by Constance Hall who donated $1 from every “Like a Queen” book she sold
Malkia Mtoto
Malkia Mtoto means “Little Angel”. This small building is a transition house where girls who have just arrived at Rafiki can safely get their bearings with the help of their keyworker. It was built in 2016 with excess funds from the Queen’s Castle fundraiser.
Ahuru Mowai
Built in 2019, Ahuru Mowai is *Elizabeth’s house, a girl with mental health issues stemming from her abuse that was so severe she can’t manage to live with the rest of the girls. The funds were raised by the participants on the 2018 New Zealand trek..
Therapy Room
The Lauren Patterson Therapy Room is dedicated to Lauren who lost her life in Qatar in 2013. Lauren’s mum and our Co-Founder Anne-Marie are close friends. The building was erected in 2015 with funds donated by the Byron Bay Lighthouse Run and facilitates the therapy sessions at Rafiki Mwema.
Rafiki Way
The road leading to Doyle Farm was originally an hour of driving through rough terrain which wrecked our vehicles and was not safe if we ever need to leave in a hurry. In 2017 Celeste Barber and Constance Hall joined forces and raised $16k to build us a road that now takes us 5 minutes to drive.
We have six Maasai warriors employed at the farm who keep the property safe 24/7. They know everything that goes on at the farm and who is present at all times. We also have nine German Shepherds and an electric fence protecting our farm.
We grow tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, capsicum and any other vegetables that are in season on the farm. We feed all the houses with our crops, and sell the excess at the market. We also take crops to the outreach families who live in extreme poverty