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Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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Doyle Farm – Growing a good life

At Doyle Farm we grow our own fruit and vegetables. It is an activity that nourishes the bodies and minds of our children. It also provides a unique opportunity to connect with nature, build life …

At Doyle Farm we grow our own fruit and vegetables. It is an activity that nourishes the bodies and minds of our children. It also provides a unique opportunity to connect with nature, build life skills and help the healing process.

Doyle Farm is largely self sufficient. We have animals for food production (eggs and milk) and vast fertile gardens to grow fruit and vegetables.

Eight dedicated and busy gardeners tend to the open gardens and two greenhouses on a daily basis. This is where our crops are producing a wide range of delicious treats which we are all pretty excited about. These include onions, kale, cabbages, maize, beans, Irish potatoes, tomatoes, capsicum, coriander, carrots, sugarcane, bananas, pawpaw, sweet potatoes, passionfruit, spinach , black night shed and strawberries.

We feed all the houses at Doyle Farm with our crops, and also take the food we produce to our outreach families who live in extreme poverty. We then sell any excess at the market.

Agriculture and Farming are two sectors that drive the Kenyan economy. Most households depend on fresh produce from their farms and many people earn a living from farming. Most of the children who come to us, come from families who are dependent on subsistence farming. This means that they come to us with an idea or two about farming. They know how to dig holes in the ground, throw in seeds, cover them up and they always enjoy watering them. Recent changes in response to the pandemic mean the children have not been able to help tend the crops, however they still love sharing the process with the gardeners and celebrating the bounty!

While our crops feed the bodies and minds of our children, the process of growing our own food on Doyle Farm also provides an opportunity to support their healing. It is a chance to experience patience and careful watchfulness. To develop skills and confidence, and develop trust in the process of life. To breathe and feel peace, pride, satisfaction and joy. Emotions to support the healing journey.

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