We are deeply saddened to bring the news that our beloved Grandpa Doyle passed away on Sunday morning. Grandma and Grandpa Doyle, Noel and Kate, might just be the most incredible people we have ever met. Their love and compassion, has always been boundless. They see a need and they respond. Because of this beautiful couple, many people around the world are alive and living better lives.

Doyle Farm exists because of Grandma and Grandpa. They lovingly donated our 14-acre farm and have been proud and alongside us, as we build Rafiki Mwema into what it is today. Without Grandpa this could never have happened. We wouldn’t have a safe loving kind place that 70 children call home, that cannot be taken away. We wouldn’t have safe families for 130 children to return to. All that developed from their love.

Grandpa Doyle was a very fun-loving cheeky man that shared a passion for red wine, a passion in which our very own Sarah so selflessly supported him. The twinkle in his eyes, and his love for Grandma beat at the very heart of who he was. Separately they are incredible humans – together they beat love and kindness into everything they have ever done and have literally changed the world and we thank the universe for them finding each other. You could never imagine how far their love and support has spread. Rafiki Mwema is just a small part of their legacy, one that I know Grandma will continue, proudly holding the flag they flew together.

To say he will be missed doesn’t even come close. We will wrap Kate in our hearts and love her as much as we ever have. Thank you, Kate, for sharing your love and your beautiful husband with us. We are truly grateful; we love you for who you are, not simply your kindness but your beauty that shines on us all.
Your Rafiki Family will hold a service next Sunday to remember, grieve and rejoice in the stunning human they simply call Grandpa. He lives on forever and has left an impact in our hearts. We are bereft at his passing and send so much love to you Grandma at this saddest of times.
Nakupenda Sana Grandpa