Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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Dreams really do come true…

Dreams really do come true! They really really do and today a life of dreams came to Play Kenya and our amazing project Rafiki Mwema! We are all bruised from pinching ourselves to see if …

Dreams really do come trueDreams really do come true! They really really do and today a life of dreams came to Play Kenya and our amazing project Rafiki Mwema! We are all bruised from pinching ourselves to see if this is for real – but apparently it is.
We have our own house and land – our very very own – for real – FOR REAL!!!!!

Kate and Noel Doyle have given us the gift of a future and I cannot tell you what that means for our children but I’ll try. Kate and Noel are hugely generous and have helped hundreds of children around the word. They have supported orphanages here in Nakuru and literally some of the most needing children across the globe. And now they have shone their light of generosity and love on Rafiki Mwema. We will never let you guys down and will continue to run a transparent and loving organisation – from our very own place forever! Dreams really do come true

A while back our lovely Sarah ran a crowdfunding page to support moving our older girls into their own house as we were overcrowded and Rafiki Mwema was struggling to cope – you all responded in the most amazing way and our girls are very very settled in the ‘big girls house’. Well from that Kate Doyle saw our appeal, she chatted to her husband Noel, he said yes and they brought us a house – yippee!!!!

And not just a house – we have enough land to put THE dream into place! We will move our small girls immediately and then THE project will begin. We have a farm with land (OH MY GOSH – DID YOU HEAR THAT – WE HAVE A FARM!!!!!) and outbuildings and over time those out buildings will house our big girls, our therapy service and our school. Because we have enough land and a separate road entrance we will move our boys house there and we will have The Rafiki Village – better known as Doyle Farm. Dreams really do come true

This has all happened because of all you guys – every time you shared a post more and more people heard about us; every single cent you gave went straight to the project for the children. You have kept our lovely family safe and we need you more than ever now!

this moment belongs to Kate and Noel Doyle for taking us to another level – we can, with all your help, continue the work we are so very proud of.

Some people say they will help and some people help – not just financially but with support, love and sharing our work with others. This project is down to all of you but this moment belongs to Kate and Noel Doyle for taking us to another level – we can, with all your help, continue the work we are so very proud of.
Words; words; words; that’s all we have to tell the world what this means. Words to say it means THE WORLD to our children – a safe world away from abuse and fear. A world to recover – a world to grow – and a world to be children – a world of love and education and healing; a world we can commit to forever now – imagine! Dreams really do come true

Thank you Noel, Kate, Sarah, John, our wonderful board members, the amazing Vanessa, every person that supports in any way, every person whose heart beats within our house, every footprint that emotionally walks alongside our children – we are forever in you debt.

The only thing that separates the WORD from the WORLD is L and that L is the love that everyone pours into Rafiki Mwema and Play Kenya. We have experienced that love and we are so grateful – it’s one L of a lovely feeling!
Got to go now – cows to milk and houses to build!

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