In case you missed it…
Initial Request for help…
Our little baby Jane is fighting hard and we are doing all we can to give her every chance. We have moved her to a better hospital and we have our head carer staying with her.
It seems that a life of abuse, neglect and horror are not enough for one baby girl to experience before her second birthday. For some reason this little angel has been given a huge hill to climb and we will walk with her, holding her hand all the way. If love kept her with us, she would make old bones for sure.
She is loved by everyone who knows her, or knows of her, but mostly she is loved by her three sisters, all at RM.
Her sisters are crying and praying for the baby sister they have only just had reunited in their lives – can this family bear more – I don’t think so.They are crying from the fear of losing her – and knowing how hard it is to survive chronic illness in Kenya and they are crying because they love her – simply love her – and don’t want to lose her.
We need your help – and we know you are already helping so much. Good medical care is not free in Kenya and if we left our baby in the public hospital there is every chance she will never come home. So she has gone to a good hospital and we are really hoping that you can financially help in any way. She is a fighter, and we need to make sure she has the energy to fight on.
We need your financial help to help us cover the hospital fees, doctors fees and medication fees. We don’t exactly know how much this will be as we don’t know how long she will have to stay in hospital. It is $28AUD per day for the hospital and $25 each time a doctor visits. $5, $10, $200.. what ever you can give will help us to give our Baby of the house the best care so we can bring her home to us and her 3 sisters.
Second Update!
It seems you all love Jane almost as much as her her big sisters do!
You have pushed our total raised to $6,081.31! I had hoped to raise $1000 when I put the call out there but you all have shown me that I clearly have NO IDEA what to expect anymore.
WHEN she comes out of hospital we will use any excess funds towards her ongoing medical care. She will need medical care for the rest of her life, so this will certainly help towards these costs.
The X-ray showed that she has pneumonia, just to add to her long list of medical problems but she is still continuing to improve. Especially after a visit from her big Sisters Florence and Maggie and Rafiki Sister, Big Joyce.
I’ll continue to keep you all up to date!
Good News Good News and Great News!!
BABY JANE IS HOME FROM HOSPITAL and you have all raised $7,021 for her hospital bills and her ongoing treatments/medication that she will require.
She is home and holding her own. She is really happy to have her sisters and Aunties around her – they are the next best thing to the medicine that she needs everyday. Every little smile is a huge triumph over her illness – she is getting stronger every day.
It was a very scary time and we just can’t imagine if we hadn’t had the best treatment she could have – you are all life savers.
I plan on getting a video or 2 of her in action when I get to Kenya. Stay tuned