Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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Congratulations, Uncle David

Uncle David does it all! While he originally joined Rafiki Mwema as our driver, his role has expanded to impact the lives of our children and staff in so many more ways. He is always …

Uncle David does it all! While he originally joined Rafiki Mwema as our driver, his role has expanded to impact the lives of our children and staff in so many more ways. He is always ready to help whenever needed. Not only does he drive children to and from school, but he has created beautiful gardens, runs every errand under the sun and is even our emergency driver. We are thrilled that he’s Rafiki’s Employee of the Month for October!

Uncle David with his Employee of the Month certificate

Despite an early start to drive our children to five different schools, Uncle David has never once been late. He’s the earliest to arrive for work and often the last to leave. By the time the rest of the staff arrive, Uncle David has already dropped the children off at school and is on to his next errand. Whether it’s picking up supplies in town, driving a child to a home visit or pruning the farm trees, he is there to lend a hand.

Uncle David shows respect and kindness to all and especially to the children, who genuinely love him. In fact, he’s so committed to caring for our children that he attends staff training to learn all he can about therapeutic parenting. He shows this level of dedication in every aspect of his job, keeping the vans spotless, the compound tidy and the flowerbeds – which he planted in his first month at Rafiki – tended. 

Everyone appreciates how willing Uncle David is to help. If there’s an emergency, he drops everything to drive as fast as he can. When the farm workers need an extra pair of hands, he joins the crew. And when we need someone guarding the gate, he pitches in.

Words used to describe Uncle David include selfless, creative, a perfect driver, humble, flexible, hard-working, self-driven, kind and outstanding. We couldn’t be luckier to have him on our team. Thank you for all you do. We truly appreciate you.

Meet our team in Kenya

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