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First Aid Course at Doyle Farm in Kenya

Earlier this month, our managers at Doyle Farm completed a Red Cross First Aid Course. Providing an introduction to first aid essentials, our team walked away with the basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes to save …

Earlier this month, our managers at Doyle Farm completed a Red Cross First Aid Course. Providing an introduction to first aid essentials, our team walked away with the basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes to save lives and further protect our children.

Managers First Aid Course at Doyle Farm

Rafiki staff up-skill with a first aid course.

The ability to quickly and confidently respond in an emergency can save a life or prevent further injury. Having these skills and an increased awareness of accident prevention empowers us to protect our loved ones. With this in mind we identified the need to support our staff to up-skill within this area on a first aid course.

Our managers have now completed the course, and the program will be rolled out to all staff at Doyle Farm in the coming months. 

The training is designed to expose the team to lifesaving knowledge and skills. This covers things such as administering CPR to a conscious or unconscious individual, bandaging wounds to stop bleeding, managing internal wounds until help arrives and caring for burns. 

Feedback from our team.

The team at Doyle Farm were thrilled with the first aid course and are now even more confident caring for our active children on the farm. Here’s some heartfelt feedback from the team which shows the importance of continually training our staff to best take care of our children.

Stephen Produce Farm Manager

“I am happy and privileged to be amongst those who attended the first aid course, bearing in mind that many would have wanted to be included too.

There are so many things to learn that we encounter in life but do not know what course of actions are to be taken. First aid has always been overlooked by many, but what I learnt left no doubts that everyone needed the same knowledge – not for one self but for the benefit of the most vulnerable in society.

I learnt several methods of saving life of persons involved in accidents, both conscious and unconscious; inflicting no further injuries to the casualties; how to handle expectant mothers when it is time for delivery; how to dress open wounds; and how to contain and control internal injuries for casualties. The implements we use in the farm can accidentally inflict injuries to staff and with this basic knowledge, I can now assist them before referring them to medical facilities.

Everything I leant can’t feature on this page. I would therefore take this opportunity to thank the sponsors for contributing towards this vital activity and all facilitators who made the training a success. Thank you! Thank you very much indeed!!”

– Stephen, Farm Manager –

Aunty Mary Rafiki Mwema

“I am so grateful and thankful for those who made the training happen. I had little knowledge about first aid. After attending the training I can help a casualty with out fear. We learnt about the fireman lift. I have learnt to perform CPR to an unconscious casualty and how to stop bleeding by using triangle bandage. I have also learnt other uses for a triangle bandage – when a casualty has injury on the chin you can also use triangle bandage to lift the chin before referral. Thanks a lot. It is really helpful.

– Aunt Mary, Manager of Small Girls –

Erick General Manager

“I have never had a chance of undertaking a first aid course so didn’t want to miss this one. My expectations were huge in understanding what it takes to be a first aider in the 21st century. The most interesting topics were that of managing injuries in all levels, burns and of course emergency childbirth 😃. The theory was wide as well as the practicals. The choice of having Red Cross to train us wasn’t regrettable.”

– Erick, GM –


“Words cant really express how grateful I am for this training. I sincerely want to say Asante Sana to the person who sponsored this training. I am now more skilled and knowledgeable.

My initial reaction was that well, I can learn this and then help somebody. Little did I know that having the skill and knowledge is absolutely necessary even for my own survival. Learning that I can actually do an abdominal thrust using a dinning chair to save my own life was the “Aha” moment for me.

We work with a kid who normally has fits. Most of us didn’t know what to do with her at such times. We also work with kids who have nosebleeds, kids who are very playful and at times may get injured. Knowing how to perform first aid professionally is the most precious gift we can give.

Thank you once again.”

– Anisha, Head Therapist –

Important projects such as the first aid course are made possible with the generous donations and support of our sponsors. There are many ways to get involved and help raise funds. For some ideas and to get started visit us HERE.

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