Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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Highlights from our 2nd Annual Golf Day in Perth

Message from our Rafiki Warrior, Àine who organised #RafikiGolfDay We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who made our 2nd annual Rafiki Golf Day in Perth a resounding success. The unwavering support of our …

Message from our Rafiki Warrior, Àine who organised #RafikiGolfDay

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who made our 2nd annual Rafiki Golf Day in Perth a resounding success. The unwavering support of our attendees and sponsors played a pivotal role in making this day possible, and we are truly grateful for the generosity that abounded.

Despite facing a scorching 42°C weather, the enthusiasm and camaraderie of everyone present shone through, creating an atmosphere of fun and great spirit throughout the event.

We want to express our sincere thanks to each individual who entrusted Rafiki Mwema with their hard-earned money. Your support allows us to continue our mission of providing care and assistance to the children under our wing.

While the day was filled with enjoyment and golfing pleasure, it’s essential to recognize the deeper purpose – raising much-needed funds for the children under the care of Rafiki Mwema. As highlighted by Sarah during the event, without generous donations, we cannot sustain our operations, relying solely on the kindness of people like you.

The incredible result

We are thrilled to announce that, thanks to the incredible generosity of our sponsors, auction donors, and attendees, we raised $22,449.57 (net)

The donation from this will significantly aid in assisting with the ongoing running expenses of Rafiki Mwema. Sarah and the entire team express their profound gratitude for this support.

A special shoutout to Keep Driving for their wonderful donation of the Riverdance box to the auction. We wholeheartedly recommend their services if you ever find yourself in need.

Get involved

For those eager to be part of next year’s event as attendees or sponsors, please fill in the below form. Your continued support is invaluable, and we look forward to another successful gathering.

If you missed Sarah’s presentation on the day, you can catch it on YouTube anytime by following this link or you can watch it directly here.

For more information on how you can regularly contribute to the work we do, head over to this page.

We hope to see familiar faces and new friends alike at next year’s Rafiki Golf Day. ⛳️

Enjoy the photos below from RafikiGolfDay2024.

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