Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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Inspirational Women

Inspirational women are all around us. Some have celebrity status and use their voice for good. Others are quiet achievers that work to make a difference in their community. Here at Rafiki Mwema we’ve created …

Inspirational women are all around us. Some have celebrity status and use their voice for good. Others are quiet achievers that work to make a difference in their community. Here at Rafiki Mwema we’ve created a list of inspirational women that have had an impact on us.

Inspiration can come in many forms. It can emerge from a wide variety of backgrounds, cultures and actions. Inspirational women may be those that we see has having immense courage, having overcome obstacles and challenges to help others. It may be those that display deep empathy and model equality. Or those that believe in collective power to facilitate change and uplift others.

Some of our favourite inspirational women

The vulnerability, strength and power of our Queens in Kenya inspire us everyday. Those that are on the journey of healing and those that help them. These ladies have overcome challenging circumstances and are now working to improve their lives and the lives of those around them.

In the spirit of acknowledging inspirational women, we recently asked our team of volunteers to share a selection of the women that inspire them.

Want to find out more?

Feeling inspired? Head to the following links for more information on these inspirational women.

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