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Our December Employee of the Month – Nancy

It is such a joy for us to recognise the hard work and dedication of our team. Everyday they are there to support our children in any capacity they possibly can. Not only do they …

It is such a joy for us to recognise the hard work and dedication of our team. Everyday they are there to support our children in any capacity they possibly can. Not only do they give their time and skills, they give our children their hearts. Their compassion and true desire to make a difference is nothing short of inspiring.

Today we are delighted to present Aunty Nancy, our December Employee of the Month. As Head Carer at our small girls house she provides stability and security to our babies. From our Rafiki home to the courtroom she is there. The work Nancy does truly makes a difference and we are extremely proud of how she strives to expand her therapeutic knowledge in order to provide even more support to our children.

In Nancy’s own words: “I love the nurturing environment at Rafiki. It’s fun and interesting to work with children and I feel I am playing a part in changing society. I am helping to change people’s lives and give them a better future through a nurturing and safe environment.”

As we reviewed this month’s nominations for our December Employee of the Month a few words stood out. These were kind, fair, dedicated, hard-working, supportive and caring….. all words we see so proud to have associated with one of our team members. We would love to share all the amazing feedback submitted however here are just a few to give you a taste of how much she is loved.

She is very respectful to both the staff and children. She always put her self into anyone’s shoes and will let you feel safe in her arms.”

The fact that she always accompanies Eric to the rescue of our girls is the coolest thing. She is always calm no matter how bad the situation is. I don’t think she knows how important she is but I believe she is the most important part of the Rafiki family“.

She’s so kind to everyone at the farm and always listens to people with no judgements. She treats everyone equal at the farm and is so supportive when someone needs help. To the kids she is kind loving, caring and most of the time she supports them even in courts when they are going to testify.”

Nancy, we are so lucky to have you! Congratulations on being our December Employee of the Month and thank you so much for all that you do to make Doyle Farm an ever-more supportive and nurturing environment.

Read about our previous Employee of the Month winners:

November – Uncle Nic

October – Uncle David

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