Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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Rafiki Safe Link is HAPPENING

I am so thrilled to let everyone know that we have now raised enough money for the Rafiki Safe Link! With many donations from all around the world and the Fat Mum Slim Raffle for …

Rafiki Safe Link is HAPPENING
I am so thrilled to let everyone know that we have now raised enough money for the Rafiki Safe Link!

With many donations from all around the world and the Fat Mum Slim Raffle for my Rafiki that we recently held we had raised $4,116.73 I was absolutely thrilled with this outcome!  BUT THEN, our Rafiki Angel stepped in straight away.  She has donated the rest of the money we need to get the Rafiki Safe Link up going.  She has already deposited the money into our bank.

She does not want to be named but I have to tell you this woman (mother of 2) is amazing.  She does not have much money.. probably alot less than most people.  She has given us her savings and she said ‘I cant bare this money to be in my bank account while these precious girls are thrown to the wolves’ of course I tried to talk her out of it but she would not changed her mind. The kindness of some people blows me away.  It makes me feel better about this shitty world that we live in.  I am thankful for these people.

To say that this will make a difference to our girls is just not enough. To have to stand NEXT to their perpetrator and him be allowed to ridicule their evidence: to give them ‘the eye’ and to say that they enjoyed what he did, are just some of the horrors they recount to me. Going to court is in many ways worse than being violated in the first place. They knew they were in danger then – they hoped that the court was going to be a safe place for them. It is far from that – until now!

In time, we will be able to safely say that our girls will NEVER have to face their rapist again, and that makes my heart sing but my eyes cry. It is surely their right not to have ever been subjected to that secondary abuse. You have all stopped that happening.

The girls at Rafiki Mwema, the faceless girls we are yet to know, victims of Domestic Abuse, Children who witness violent crimes and need to testify – you are all making their ordeal a whole lot better and for that I personally thank each of you from the depth of my heart.

The bit I love is the silent impact this will have – the girls who come to us in the future will not know the horror of direct contact with their abuser – but we do. It is coming to an end.

Imagine this …

A litte girl having to sit face to face with the person (or persons) that sexually abused her. Horrific thought isn’t it? But that is what our young girls at Rafiki Mwema have to do when the time comes for them to testify. As much as we prepare them for their court appearance, often they feel so intimidated and threatened by having to face their abuser they are unable to give evidence and the offender walks free and potentially offends again.

Together we can make change happen AND WE DID.

This should not be happening to any rape victim anywhere in the world, regardless of their age. We have an opportunity to change this process and protect these children and potentially other victims from any further trauma.

We need your help to get this project off the ground as soon as possible, before many more children are subjected to this most traumatic experience.

Our aim is to raise the funds to run the program from one witness room to one courtroom as a trial. If the court approves more we will attempt to raise further funds and allocate additional video links and hopefully allow all victims to utilise the service. Our ultimate goal would be to see this program grow and be implemented in courts all over the country, and it all starts here.

We did it. This feels like one of my greatest achievements.

Thank you to everyone who donated.  Thank you to everyone who bought a raffle ticket.  Thank you to everyone who has donated to our Raffle. Thank you to everyone who helped us spread the word.  Thank you to our Rafiki Angel (you know who you are)

Thank you – not enough but the simplest of words to convey the most complex of emotions.

Love from everyone at Rafiki Mwema  xx


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