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Rafiki Social – Empowering individuals for a brighter future

Providing an opportunity for our children and their families to independently thrive, our Rafiki Social program is set to be truly life changing. Ending the cycle of abuse and poverty-related issues is central to the …

Providing an opportunity for our children and their families to independently thrive, our Rafiki Social program is set to be truly life changing.

Ending the cycle of abuse and poverty-related issues is central to the work we do. By working with the children in our care we aim to end generational issues, break the cycle of abuse and improve the lives of individuals at the local level. We do this through our therapeutic parenting model – Dyadic Developmental Practice – while the children are in our care. However we also seek to provide ongoing support to children and their families once they return home. 

It’s an approach that reflects the proverb – Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. By facilitating self-sufficiency and providing the means to earn a livelihood, individuals are provided with the opportunity for independence and a better future. 

The Rise of Rafiki Social 

In response to this need we have launched Rafiki Social. The idea was to create a programme where we could set these children and their families up with training and businesses that help them to independently survive and thrive for years to come. The program provides our young men and women, who have turned 18 and moved back into their communities, with work experience in local businesses and vocational training.

Rafiki Social also assists families in our Outreach program who live in horrendous poverty, which puts their children at risk. We give families help to set up small businesses. We do this through training and the provision of tools, such as sewing machines and weighing scales. This empowers them to support their families and break the cycle of poverty and abuse.

It is a programme which is truly life changing, providing the opportunity to build a positive future. The life-changing social enterprise program enables disadvantaged people to be in control of their futures.

We are already seeing results. An amazing achievement, particularly given challenges surrounding the current Covid crisis.  

Mama G’s Kiosk 

Our first project officially opened on 15th July 2020 – Mama G’s* Kiosk, a food stand where people can sit down, order and eat a meal.

Mama G* is a mother to one of the girls that lived with us at Doyle Farm. She has always worked very hard to give her children the best life she could give but as we all know so well, life in Kenya is not easy for so many. 

Mama G* at work in her colourful kiosk

Mama G* said her previous work experience had helped her decide on this choice of business. 

“I have been employed in food kiosks before so it was easy to do something I had done already. I dreamt of having my own food kiosk one day,” she said.

To assist with the start up we worked closely with Mama G*. This involved choosing a location and hiring a team of builders. Once ready we then provided enough food for the first month of operation. The best part of this project is that Mama G* will have guaranteed business. We will bring a third of the children we feed in town each day and she will cook for them. 

Meet our Rafiki Social Manager 

We recently welcomed a new member to our Kenyan team, Simon. Joining us to lead the Rafiki Social Program, he brings a strong local business background. He also understands the importance of giving children and their families tools to lead healthy and productive lives.  

Simon with a Rafiki Social outreach family

We asked Simon why he wanted to work for Rafiki.

“I want to work on the Rafiki Social program so I can restore a lost happy smile to the needy in our society. I was working in microfinance for the last two years. The kind of impact that I was making was not the desired one. I was dealing with members of society who had means of paying the loans. I had to leave out the most needy, since the company was not willing to take any risk on them. Rafiki Mwema was offering a chance to deal with those who I was feeling were needing help, but the gap was always being left unfilled.

“Bringing a happy smile to a face that has long forgotten about it, is so awesome.”

We look forward to seeing Rafiki Social grow under Simon’s leadership, meeting the needs of many more young adults and families.

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