Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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Setting a fundraising goal: Every bit helps

Setting a fundraising goal is an awesome way to drive your fundraising efforts. But deciding how much to aim for can be tricky business. To help navigate this, below we provide you with a guide …

Setting a fundraising goal is an awesome way to drive your fundraising efforts. But deciding how much to aim for can be tricky business. To help navigate this, below we provide you with a guide to how far your funds can go at Rafiki Mwema.

Why set a fundraising target?

Setting a fundraising goal is important. It can energise your efforts and help rally your community to get those donations rolling in. It also provides you with the perfect opportunity to reach out to your contacts by keeping them updated on your progress and the impact of their generosity. In fact, a recent study found that two-thirds of donors say that understanding the impact of their donation would encourage them to give more. So if you’re open about what you’re specifically fundraising for, people may give more to your cause.

Setting a tangible target to see your funds in action can also definitely be more rewarding. Knowing that you will help send one our children to school for a year or feed all of our children for a week can be a massive motivator. Choose something that resonates with you to help set your target. Or you may like to combine a few items to set different targets throughout your campaign, offering something for every donor budget.

What are some targets?

Here’s a few suggested amounts to get you started (all costs are listed in Australian dollars / AUD) –

$100 and Less

  • For $4.50 you provide one of our little angels with a birthday cake, to help celebrate their special day.
  • $7 will cover the cost for one of our beautiful children to attend a much needed hospital visit.
  • $10 will cover the cost of 2 birthday parties in our house.
  • $10 will cover the costs of public transport for our children and their key worker to attend court for 1 week.
  • $10 a week will feed one of our children in the house.
  • To cover the cost of giving our children fresh and clean clothing costs approximately $10 a week. This really helps with their self worth and they feel valued having fresh and clean clothes to wear.
  • For just $15 a month we can provide all of our children with the pens and pencils that they need to attend school.
  • $20 will pay for all of our boys/girls to attend swimming which helps their recovery (through play).
  • It costs us approximately $40 a month to do outreach and home visits to our children that come from areas outside of Nakuru.
  • We use our vehicles to get our children to and from their appointments sometimes, to school, to court, to do our outreach visits. This transport is very much needed and as often vehicles do, they must be maintained and taken care of. On the odd occasion, a general service will cost approximately $50 – a very worthy cause!
  • For $50 a week we can do the VERY important job of emptying our septic tank! Enough said!
  • $64 a month will cover all of the medication that the children in our homes need.
  • We do a lot of our own farming and love to get the whole family involved! $100 a month covers the cost of our lovely dairy farm.

$200 and less

  • Our castles can sometimes need repairs and general maintenance. This costs approximately $150 per month. Our children are so proud of their lovely castles and having a special home makes them feel special themselves! We also employ local Kenyans to help us with this work which ensures we are further supporting the local community.
  • Covering the costs of one child to attend school is $150 per year (this does not include uniform, school books, shoes, travel, or any other extras). Education is one of the best ways to change someone’s future in a positive way.

$500 and less

  • It costs approximately $400 a week to feed all of our children. They need healthy food to fuel their growing brains and bodies and we love to be able to provide them with this very important nourishment.
  • For $500 you can cover our electrical bills. Our children can read at night, do their homework together, we can cook our meals and keep our food fresh and cold.

Every month Rafiki Mwema is faced with a bill of AU$45k just to keep our doors open. We don’t receive any government funding and rely solely on the generosity of sponsors and donors, just like you, to meet our running costs and fund projects that help transform children’s lives. Every little bit raised helps us towards these costs.

Without your support none of this would be possible so we encourage you to get involved today!

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