Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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Silenced by fear and bullied into submission.

Yesterday was a sad and frustrating day for one of our young girls. She returned to court and was taken to the scene of the crime, where she had been brutally raped a year ago. …

Yesterday was a sad and frustrating day for one of our young girls. She returned to court and was taken to the scene of the crime, where she had been brutally raped a year ago. She was accompanied by her lovely key worker Jane, who was shocked by the treatment our little one received.

It seemed that the tactic of the defence lawyer was to confuse this child, and kept asking her about the height of the maze a year ago (She was raped in the maze field). He presented the question in many different ways, designed to confuse and disorient her – and of course he managed. SHE IS A CHILD. She is scared of men and knows that in her culture children do not speak against a man, especially a man in a suit from a different class to this village child – It was so awful that even the judge tried to protect her form the intense questioning.

Let’s put this in perspective – the man was arrested and charged following the rape. There is medical evidence that is being ignored. The man who raped her in that very field was STANDING NEXT TO HER while she was being interrogated – how is that even possible.

This is a child who told me her story a week ago, and had depth and detail to the attack but standing in a field, next to the rapist, with all her community there after her grandmother informed them she would be there, even her school friends attended – the children being brought to the scene by their teachers! Can you imagine – having to speak out with your family, school friends, lawyer and RAPIST listening to everything that was said – and you are not yet 10 years old!

We need legal representation and a video link for our girls NOW. It is shocking, appalling and barbaric the way our little ones are bullied by barristers – and the fear is this rapist will walk free because we cannot afford the fees to have legal representation for the girls.

Beyond words. Silenced by fear and bullied into submission.

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