Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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Update from the RMA {Rafiki Mwema Australia} Team!

WOW – Rafiki Mwema has had a wonderful response so far and the Australian Branch is well and truly up and running. I cannot thank those of you who have already signed up for sponsorship …

Update from the RMA {Rafiki Mwema Australia} Team!

WOW – Rafiki Mwema has had a wonderful response so far and the Australian Branch is well and truly up and running.

I cannot thank those of you who have already signed up for sponsorship enough. It warms my heart that together we are doing a great thing. But we still have a long way to go so continue to spread the word and I will continue working hard (with the help of the Australian committee) to do whatever we can to help our girls at Rafiki Mwema.

A lot has been going on since we launched the Australian branch – some things exciting, some challenging and some sad news this week also.

In two weeks we have signed up 31 sponsors, with new interest every day. Our first goal is four sponsors for each of our girls and we are well on our way with each girl currently having at least one sponsor. I have spent most of this week getting our new sponsors signed up and sending them out welcome packs. This was a big job but I loved every minute of it – a reminder of the goodness in people.Update from the RMA {Rafiki Mwema Australia} Team!

Another big job this week  was getting in a submission to list Rafiki Mwema Australia (RMA) as an incorporated association. This is the first step for RMA to become a registered charity. A big deal and a lot of work!!

On a sad note we received news that our little Leah had lost her brother, whilst this is absolutely heartbreaking for this little girl to experience yet  another emotional challenge at such a young age, we all took comfort in knowing that the staff at Rafiki were supporting her through this. with a number of them attending the service with her. We are all sending you love Leah xUpdate from the RMA {Rafiki Mwema Australia} Team!

The amazing post cards that Claire, Barefruit Marketing, and I designed, have arrived from the printers and they look fantastic. These are the first of our marketing tools (thanks to the wonderful team at Castle Design😉 ) and we look forward to sharing them and spreading the word. Please let me know if you would like a few sent your way.

Update from the RMA {Rafiki Mwema Australia} Team!

We welcomed the amazing Lisa watts to our RMA committee this week also, Lisa has so much to bring to the table and we look forward to working with her. I am also looking forward to our first board meeting  very soon and will keep you posted on out comes.

We have many more great projects on their way and cannot wait to share them with you very soon.


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