Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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āhuru mōwai

Who remembers when a bunch of us hiked those (bloody!) mountains in New Zealand to raise funds to help us build a house for our girl *Elizabeth? Who also remembers when Constance Hall put up a fight …

āhuru mōwai

Who remembers when a bunch of us hiked those (bloody!) mountains in New Zealand to raise funds to help us build a house for our girl *Elizabeth?

Who also remembers when Constance Hall put up a fight to help us reach the target to finish the house?

Well, we have been working very hard in Kenya to get this house completed for a grand opening in June. This amazing house that is everything this girl deserves is so close to being finished.

We had to name this house and we had many things to consider when doing this. Because there was so much dedication put into raising funds for this house in New Zealand, we thought giving it a Māori name would be ideal.

Thank you to my beautiful friend who helped me name this safe haven. She has helped our charity in so many ways over the years, it was an honour to have Angela Graham name this home.

Introducing to you to āhuru mōwai
1. (noun) calm place, sheltered haven 🌸

Everything that *Elizabeth deserves.

Thank you to each and every one of you who has been a part of this amazing, life changing event for *Elizabeth.

We can’t wait to give you more updates. 🙏

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