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Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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An African Affair – March 30, 2019

Now that we have just about recovered, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for joining us for An African Affair at Cloudland on a couple of weeks ago. This …

An African Affair - March 30, 2019

Now that we have just about recovered, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for joining us for An African Affair at Cloudland on a couple of weeks ago. This was the first of what will be an annual fundraising event for us, and we see it will just get bigger and bigger.

Organising events like this can be very stressful for everyone involved in the planning. Will people come? Will they like the venue? Will they have a good time? Will I cry? I think we all know the answer to that one. Will we raise the money we so desperately need to continue to provide a safe place, care and love for our children? And so on…

So, when everyone started to pour into the foyer on Saturday night my heart was pounding! So many of you. All there, for our children.

Do you know how that makes me feel? And do you know how very special you are?

Ok, so I did cry (a lot). I can’t help it, these children are everything to me and Anne-Marie, and now I know they also mean so much to many of you.

Thank you to our wonderful event sponsors, UPA North CoastSleepy’s The Mattress Experts and SleepMaker. It was such a privilege to have you all there so you could see just where your money was going.

What an incredible venue Cloudland was! everyone is raving about the food and service. We cannot recommend them enough.

Having every one of my board members there was so exciting! We have never been in the same room at once! EVER.

Our beautiful ambassador Constance Hall was able to make it to the Gala around all of her dance training. She was in Brisbane for less than 12 hours and we are so grateful she was able to come along with all she has going on!

An exciting surprise was Sonya Driver turning up when we didn’t think she could make it! Eco Tan is one of our biggest supporters and to have her there was epic.

I think one of the greatest highlights of the night was having a surprise appearance and performance by Kasey Chambers. What an honour to have her there to perform for us and tell us about the school she supports in Zambia > Our Rainbow House. She might just be the MOST down to earth person we have ever met.

None of the evening would have been possible without the tireless efforts of Jandi Mai & Gail Carter of Jandimai Events. They have volunteered their time over the past few months and have worked so hard and it paid off beautifully.

Having Jimmy Mucheru here from Kenya was a dream! and to have his opinion about the work we do in Kenya and to hear stories from a Kenyan was amazing. I know everyone just loved meeting him.

To my greatest influence and idol, Anne-Marie Belle. She came here straight from Kenya and impressed everyone she met. She speaks so wonderfully and the story she told about our Peter had everyone amazed. I am so proud to be by your side with our family. None of this could continue without your knowledge and guidance and amazing dress sense. May we always be a team!

and for the news you have all been waiting for!! We made a grand total of $23,390 on Saturday night!

We are so thrilled to have raised so much money. This is going to go a long way to help us build classrooms for our small girls so they can receive the education they so deserve.

We will have more news on our school ‘Rafiki Jasiri School’ soon..

Thank you to everyone who supported our event. There are so many people who were involved.. If you helped, came along, sponsored, donated, shared the event, ANYTHING please know we appreciate YOU.

Photos by UAVisuals – Drone, Photography & Video Production

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