Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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Cecelia and Mercy on their next step…

Cecelia and Mercy are on the next step of their journey. We call it ‘going home’ and that suggests that they are leaving the safety of Rafiki Mwema – but actually our support for them …

Cecelia and Mercy on their next step...

Cecelia and Mercy are on the next step of their journey. We call it ‘going home’ and that suggests that they are leaving the safety of Rafiki Mwema – but actually our support for them in the next 2 months (and then beyond) is full on, as we monitor the situation back home. The girls will receive daily visits at first and IF we feel they are safe we will cut our visits back and have visits every other day and telephone calls. Our girls will have been taught how to use a mobile (everyone in Kenya has access to a mobile somehow!!) in case they feel in need of us.

Over time our contact will step down and we will see the girls weekly or fortnightly for ever really!

So, they are not leaving our family, more that their two families are joining.

It is a day of celebration and anxiety. We celebrate their journeys and all they have achieved. We note the changes in them, and we celebrate the work that has been done with their communities. We are of course holding our breath that all goes to plan and we will watch their journey into womanhood from a distance. An anxious time as we cannot legislate for how the community will be, once the girls are home. We have MANY successes in girls returning home and we pray these are two more of them.

They will be hugely missed at RM – both quiet little girls with a big presence. If you would like to write to them we are happy to forward the letters once they have left.

Thank you from everyone involved in RM – you have changed their lives. They now know they are loveable and worthwhile little girls

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