Can I take a moment to say a few things about this amazing man. He is a true and loyal friend to Rafiki Mwema and Play Kenya but so much more.
I met Jimmy on my very first trip to Kenya 12 years ago this year and he has supported everything on our journey
Jimmy is a director of Play Kenya and Rafiki Mwema in Kenya. He is the most amazing, funny and informative tour guide you will ever meet. He is humble but cheeky; he is the best debater in the business; he’s smart with the most wicked laugh I’ve ever heard! He’s also partial to a cold White Cap!
He was instrumental in us setting up our boys football project a gazillion years ago, which has evolved into us having 34 boys, who lived the most horrific lives you could imagine, safely in our therapeutic houses tonight. But it never stops. He helps us in a million ways that you could never know about. He makes me laugh when I am feeling things are too much; he speaks to the boys to help them stay on their pathways and he brings love to all our staff and children. He is simply one in a million.
Jimmy, from our hearts everyone at Play Kenya and Rafiki Mwema love you for all you do for us. We thank you for your kindness; your time; your wisdom. We thank your beautiful wife for being involved in our project through you and caring about our children.
You really are the one and only and we appreciate you more than you’ll ever know