Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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The Magill Field – Reconnecting to the magic of life

Lisa has brought sunshine and laughter to our Rafiki Mwema community and we have been passionate and active followers of her honest, open and tough to read story of her journey with terminal cancer. She reflects …

The Magill Field – Reconnecting to the magic of life

Lisa has brought sunshine and laughter to our Rafiki Mwema community and we have been passionate and active followers of her honest, open and tough to read story of her journey with terminal cancer. She reflects the very spirit of our beautiful children and loved that we had a mutually loving and reflective relationship with Lisa.

The loss of Lisa, at such a young age, and with such a huge want to live, is something we would like to honour. We would like to celebrate her life in a memorial that we hope will be fitting and reflective of her joyful and infectious being.

The Magill Field – Reconnecting to the magic of life

We would like to dedicate our playing area for football and games to Lisa. Many of our children first begin to develop trust in their peers and our staff through sport and games, especially football, for our boys and girls. It reconnects them to life.

We are struck by the name Magill being to close to the word Magic and those who hung out with Lisa describe the magic of her humour and honesty.

We will be naming our new football pitch

‘The Magill Field’
reconnecting to the magic of life

We love you Lisa for everything you brought in your far too short but special life. You are a shining example of the importance of connection and sharing and hope you’ll do a little jig when you see what we are planning

Love you lovely lady xxxxx

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