Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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She the Change Rafiki Event at Avoca Surf House

Recently we were asked to be a guest speaker for the lovely ladies at ‘She The Change‘ From the moment they emailed they have been so kind, giving and just wanting to support Rafiki and …

She the Change Rafiki Event at Avoca Surf House

Recently we were asked to be a guest speaker for the lovely ladies at ‘She The Change

From the moment they emailed they have been so kind, giving and just wanting to support Rafiki and anyone they are in contact with!

Sarah’s nerves were high as always.. but she managed to get through her presentation without a complete breakdown!

The gathering of ladies at the event were all so friendly and welcoming.  The food was incredible and wine was A++

We will share a few photos below of the presentation…

The gorgeous team at She The Change surprised Sarah with a bag of gifts after the presentation!  Such a surprise with the most thoughtful gifts you have ever seen.

Not only a wonderful night but they raised a whopping $1,300 for us and we were able to collect $770 on the night through sales and one off donations as well as a few people who signed up to sponsor some of our children.

There was a very talented photographer (Brookë Goldsbro) there as well and I would like to share these photos below with a credit to her instagram page here.

Thank you to SHE THE CHANGE – What an extraordinary group of women you are!
our chauffer Jess! you are epic!

Thank you to my team Claire, Jandy, Jayde, Babs, Danielle and Jemma for helping me with your constant support.

Thank you Celeste for inspiring me to be the cheekiest I can!

Thank you to everyone I met and who shared their kind words with me.  Thank you to everyone who supported and offered to support in the future.. You heard me say it.. we cannot do it without YOU.

Love Sarah

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