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She’s so inspiring – Sarah Rosborg

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Meet Sarah Rosborg.

I’d seen Sarah around the interwebs and always been a bit in awe at her all-round-designer-awesomeness. Her work is wonderful and really a sight to behold. But then I realised there was a lot more to this lady than some inspiring designs. That’s when I heard about Rafiki Mwema and how tirelessly Sarah has worked to really make a difference, and that the work she is doing is literally life saving and life changing stuff. It was only after I invited Sarah to be part of this series that I then found out about her own life changing car accident which makes her story even more powerful and inspiring. I totally got goosebumps reading Sarah’s story and I am so grateful and honoured that she has agreed to share it. Some stories really need to be told and this is one of them.

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