Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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Thank you to the Kings & Queens of Lennox Head 🙏

Thank you, thank you, thank you. We are lost for words (very unlike us) after the Kings & Queens of Rafiki documentary premiere in Lennox last weekend. We can’t thank you enough for coming along …

Thank you to the Kings & Queens of Lennox Head

Thank you, thank you, thank you. We are lost for words (very unlike us) after the Kings & Queens of Rafiki documentary premiere in Lennox last weekend. We can’t thank you enough for coming along and showing your support – it means the absolute world to us and the children at Rafiki Mwema.
We were so honoured and humbled to be able to hold this event in our home town of Lennox Head. It allowed many of our long-time supporters and ambassadors, as well as our closest friends and family to come along and see everything we all work so hard for – and explains why they didn’t see much of us during the last few weeks of event planning!

thank you to the kings and queens of lennox head2

We’ve had such wonderful feedback about the event and the documentary. We appreciate it was confronting in places but so happy with how beautifully it was conveyed and told the real Rafiki story.We sold over 260 tickets and the money raised from the evening is still being counted – that is my homework while I fly to Kenya today! We do know that we received some much-needed sponsors on the night, one single $1,000 donation, $1,500 in raffle ticket sales and a whopping $550 for an hour with Hugh!  (how did this happen again?!)  Thanks to Brighid who actually bid just to make the donation on behalf of her beautiful family and strangely did not want an hour with Hugh (??) Thank you so much to the Bates family for this generous donation!

thank you to the kings and queens of lennox head3

If you want to show your support we have a bunch of options available from just $5 a month (a coffee!). We rely 100% on sponsorships and donations – it’s legends like you that keep Rafiki Mwema open. Imagine if we ALL gave at least $5 a month!

We must thank our gorgeous Ambassador, Constance Hall, who is now a big part of our Rafiki family, and made the journey from Margaret River to Lennox Head with her own family to share the documentary with you, just a week after attending a Rafiki event in Newcastle. She is just a beautiful soul and the children at Rafiki have completely stolen her heart. We hope you enjoyed the evening with her as much as we did.

Thank you to her best friend Annaliese Dent who did an amazing job Mc’ing the event alongside Chris Hemsw.. oh I mean Hugh.  Our Rafiki Warriors.

thank you to the kings and queens of lennox head

None of this would have been possible without you or our amazing sponsors and contributors. Everyone pulled together to help us put this event on at a moments notice.

A huge thank you has to go to Sonya Driver and EcoTan, whose support and generosity means everything to us – make sure you keep an eye out in Myer for the limited edition Rafiki Mwema EcoTan handcream, with ALL profits coming straight to Rafiki – it makes a perfect stocking filler!

Our never ending love to Grandma Doyle who came along to our event even though Grandpa had been admitted to hospital.  He is now recovering thanks to everyone’s well wishes.  They have made our dreams a reality and continue to do so for people all around the world. How did we get so lucky?

thank you to the kings and queens of lennox head5

There were a lot of contributors that made our event such a success, so more thanks to:

Bellingen Winter Music Festival for 2 adult gold passes to the 2019 festival

Jo from Clays End for a 2 night getaway for 2 adults at luxury accommodation in Mullumbimby

Kylie from Skin & Clay in Lennox Head for a lush 2 hour Native Indulgence pampering package

Prime Flowers Alstonville for donating the flowers for the evening that made the room smell sooooo nice

Lauren Odette for arranging our beautiful displays and bouquets, and for donating one of her watercolour prints

Ash from Lennox Smokin’ Barrell, Dom from 6 Tastes Vegetarian and Dylan from Taco Love Bros for the mouth-watering food

Tania from Pandanus Productions for providing the bar, booze and bar staff

Tracy from the Lennox Head Community Centre for providing the awesome venue

Woody and the team from Bullseye Security for making sure we all behaved ourselves

Byron Bay Wedding & Party Hire for supplying all the cool furniture and comfy cushionings

Abbie Cardwell for providing the awesome tunes

Saul from Property Shot for being our paparazzi on the night – we’ve got some stunning shots of you all so keep an eye on our socials

Auntie Julia for welcoming us all to Country, what an honour to have her there and I loved listening to her story.

Beautiful Camilla at Rock of Ages firstly for our tattoos (sorry Mum) and then donating ALL monies straight back to Rafiki.  Legend.

Claire at Barefruit Marketing and Jandi Mai for being the greatest event organisers and pulling together an awesome squad of helpers in record time.

Victoria from Drawn Upon for being my right-hand woman, PA, helper, calmer-downerer (that is a word).

Everyone who helped prior to and on the day, evening and next day (struggle town) THANK YOU.

Keep an eye on our socials over the next few weeks to keep up with life at Rafiki Mwema during my visit. Thanks to the generosity of literally hundred’s of you, I am taking well over my luggage allowance (Cue tears at check in) in presents to give them a Christmas they deserve and will never forget! You. Are. Amazing. 💗

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