Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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They are set up now for the future…

Following the death of our dear friend and warrior, Amos on 23.10.2021 we reached out to you to help us help his family as Amos was the bread winner for not only his family but …

Following the death of our dear friend and warrior, Amos on 23.10.2021 we reached out to you to help us help his family as Amos was the bread winner for not only his family but also his late brothers family.

So many of you came together to help us and since then, we have been been working with his wife and family in Maasai Mara to help them establish some security for their future after your generosity. 

We had 542 donors raise a total of $17,452 AUD.  We know too well that handing over that kind of money was not going to ensure their stability for the long term so we made sure that we consulted with those who have dealt in this area before to get the best advice.  We are very happy and extremely proud of you all and everyone at Rafiki Mwema who worked on this, to say that we have finally handed over the very last shilling to his wife and we are closing off this project.

Thanks to your donations, we were able to cover the entire costs of Amos’ burial and all logistics involved in his send off at the Maasai Mara and also Doyle Farm, his autopsy and all other hospital costs  We have been sending his wife the equivalent of the wage that Amos received every month so she could continue to pay all of her bills. On top of this we were able to purchase 2 blocks of land, 1 for his wife and family and the other for his late brothers family and children.  We paid for the construction of a house for his wife and children on their new block of land and to make sure that they were able to sustain themselves after we hand over the last of the money, we fenced the land which would then keep off animals and trespassers so they were able to grow crops. 

Finally, we transferred the balance of the funds to ‘Mrs Amos’ so she could pay her bills and invest in cultivation of onions and tomatoes which is the main cash crop in that area.  

The family are still shocked at the support they received and to see them set up now for their future makes losing Amos a whole lot easier.  What was one of the saddest moments in the history of Rafiki was turned around into incredible kindness that will now life on into the future.  Thank you for all of those involved. 

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