Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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They Saved Her Life

After a recent request about the desperation these children on the streets now have nothing because of COVID. Also because no shops or restaurants are open for them to get food scraps or to beg …

After a recent request about the desperation these children on the streets now have nothing because of COVID. Also because no shops or restaurants are open for them to get food scraps or to beg passers by for money. We were feeding them once a week on a Sunday but thanks to the generosity of those who donated we have been able to arrange to meet them everyday (a minimum of 70 kids each day) to feed them. EVERY DAY. They have made it clear that they see us arrive each day and feel ‘hope’.

A lot of you might remember how we were told to “stay away from these ‘street kids’ as they were violent and would kills us for less than a dollar”. Also “They can’t be helped and no use wasting our time, money and resources on them”. Well, something happened last week that made my heart break and repair all in one moment…

On one of our days of feeding, a few of the boys would take a plate and return back to us. This happened days in a row. We asked the boys and as they are beginning to trust us, they told us where they had been taking this food. They were helping a young girl and a 4 month old baby who is living on the streets but in hiding. They had been taking food to them. ðŸ˜­ 😭

We found the girl and asked her the situation. She has been living in a room (pictured in the first picture), paid for by a ‘good samaritan’ who had decided he could no longer help so he stopped paying. The landlord then locked the girl and baby out of the room after the rent was in arrears for 2 months. Leaving them no option but to live on the streets. ðŸ˜­

They had been living on the streets for 2 months when we found them the other day thanks to these boys. We agreed to pay the arrears so she could get into the room and collect the items she owned. She was very grateful for that in itself but we did not feel comfortable leaving her in that room after the landlord had locked her out. It also leaked very heavily and it is rainy season  so we immediately started looking for a room nearby.

We found something with no leaks but with electricity and is affordable for when she can take over paying the rent on her own. Thanks to an angel who most of you know as Grandma Kate Doyle (she purchased Doyle Farm for us🥰), we have been able to secure this rental, pay electricity in advance, purchase a new bed, new bedding, bulk food, a gas cooker, utensils items needed to cook and clothes for her and the baby.

To say she is overwhelmed would not even cover it. To be totally honest she is a little frightened. A little frightened because she is wondering what we might want in return for this. She is in disbelief that someone would just do this for them to recieve nothing in return. We understand that and we will help her see that sometimes, just sometimes, the world can be a beautiful place and she deserves all of these items for her and her baby.

We will let her settle in and once she is calm and understands that there is nothing we need from her, our outreach team will start to work with her to see what kind of job she might like to do. We will do all we can to help her on that road of being self sufficient to look after her and her baby.

It’s nice to see a nice ending to such a sad situation. There are so many that don’t end like this. So many people need our help but we can only do what we can do with what we have. Thank you for helping us do the work we do. Keep spreading the word and we will be able to help more people have endings like this.

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