Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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A new house for our Rafikis

We always knew that one day the need would be greater than that of one house for 25 girls. We are now in a position where more girls are arriving at our doors with deeply …

A new house for our RafikisWe always knew that one day the need would be greater than that of one house for 25 girls. We are now in a position where more girls are arriving at our doors with deeply sad and heart-wrenching stories, so the need for a two tier system at Rafiki Mwema has become a matter of urgency.
We will never send our girls home if they are not safe and this is causing us difficulties in being able to take in new little ones. This week alone 3 baby girls need our help – they are all of pre-school age and have experienced abuse in a way no-one ever should.

* Trigger Warning: Horrific Sexual Assault *A new house for our Rafikis

One of the baby girls (5 years old) who has joined us this week has been sexually abused by a family member using sharp objects. She was petrified when she came to us. The two other girls have been raped so many times they can not sit up, they can only lay down or stand up. They have received surgery and they still have to undergo significant surgery to assist them in normal functions. They are 4 and 6 years old.

We’re sorry to be so explicit but this is really happening. We’re sure you can understand our need to bring these girls to Rafiki Mwema and provide them with love and care they would not otherwise receive. We need to help them heal through therapy and love and help build them and their confidence back up so they can testify in court against their attackers and go on to live their childhood as a child should.

In short – we need another house. And one day we dream of owning our own houses.In the meantime we simply must be able to support the girls that are in immediate fear and danger, as well as those who cannot return home.

There is also a need to separate the younger girls from our older girls in order to provide more targeted therapy. This is the natural progression for our vision.

Obviously obtaining and setting up a new house comes with a cost. We estimate $25,000 AUD to help us find another rental house, fully furnish it and find and train more staff. This should cover us for a couple of months until we can establish a monthly ongoing sponsorship program to cover ongoing costs for the house – planning for this is already underway

As always every cent counts and we are asking you to please do whatever you can – whether $1 or $1,000, everything really does make a difference.

You will be able to see how we are progressing and of course benefit from seeing the end product and just how much your kindness can change these girls’ lives.

Thank you for your support. Please share this to not only assist in raising funds but much needed awareness for our girls and Rafiki Mwema.

Head to our go fund me page here.A new house for our Rafikis

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