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Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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Meet Rachael – one of our awesome sponsors

If you’re looking to make a difference, we invite you to become a Rafiki Mwema sponsor. Rafiki Mwema is home to many children who have suffered unimaginable abuse. It is a safe space where they …

If you’re looking to make a difference, we invite you to become a Rafiki Mwema sponsor. Rafiki Mwema is home to many children who have suffered unimaginable abuse. It is a safe space where they heal and receive care. But all this comes at a cost. Each month we must raise enough funds to stay operational. To achieve this we rely on our community of sponsors and donors who generously donate and help us keep our doors open. We invite you to join us as a Rafiki Mwema sponsor.

Rafiki Mwema was established in Australia in 2013 to provide therapeutic safe houses in Kenya for young girls and boys who have suffered horrific abuse. The therapeutic safe houses are located on a secure 14-acre property known as ‘Doyle Farm,’ and are home to 70 children from as young as 18 months old up to 18 years old. Through our Outreach Program, we continue to check on another 150 children who have returned home to their communities to ensure they are safe.

While they’re with us, we work to reboot the safety and love the kids feel so they can grow up to be balanced and loving adults. That’s the key to breaking the cycle of abuse.

But all this comes at a cost. Without the ongoing support of our sponsors we would not be able to continue this critical, life changing work.

Rachael has been a Rafiki Mwema sponsor for the past three years. Each month she donates to our children, making an invaluable ongoing contribution. Here she shares her motivation.

Rachael Keenan standing with her colleagues at the ocean.
Rachael, centre, and her colleagues with whom she shares her sponsor updates.

Tell us about the children you sponsor with Rafiki Mwema.

We sponsor two children who are the same ages as my boys. It’s a beautiful connection for the ladies here at work, my family and I. It’s lovely to see the updates and how the boys in Kenya are going.

Why did you choose to become a Rafiki Mwema sponsor? 

I love that Rafiki Mwema give the children in their care a second chance at life. Children who have suffered so many horrors that we can’t imagine and have then been given unconditional love at Rafiki. This has changed their lives and their future. Also knowing that the funds we give do get to the children. Rafiki use the donations to build a better future for the kids.

What motivates your continued support? 

All children deserve to receive love and to live their childhood without a care in the world. However, these children have not been afforded that. They have suffered terribly, often at the hands of those who should be protecting them. I know how lucky we are here in Australia; how lucky I was to have the upbringing I had and how lucky my children are. All children deserve that and our support helps some who have not had that opportunity to experience love and safety and begin to heal.

What’s your favourite part of being a Rafiki Mwema sponsor?

Being able to share the photos and stories of the children in Kenya with my children. Showing my children how important it is to care and how much difference you can make in someone’s life by showing them that they really do matter.

We thank you Rachael from the bottom of our hearts! 

If you’d like to find out more about becoming a Rafiki Mwema sponsor, visit us HERE. With your support we can give every child the chance to live a healthy and productive life.

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