Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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Christmas at Rafiki Mtaani 2023

Enjoy this message direct from our Rafiki Mtaani staff in Kenya and lots of photos from this joyous event.

“This was a real holiday , there was so much food that everyone ate to their fullest. Most of them could not believe their eyes, they have never seen so much delicious food in front of them.”

Thank you to everyone who supported our fundraiser to give our Rafiki Mtaani family a special Christmas day. We hope you enjoy these photos and update so you can see the difference you made in their lives. Beautiful memories for them to treasure forever… A message direct from our Rafiki Mtaani staff in Kenya:

“Team Rafiki, it’s another wonderful season for us, Christmas is a season of joy, happiness and love all over, and as Mtaani team we are happy to be part of making it a great season to the street families around.

We have every reason to be happy because of the team that is behind all that is happening at Mtaani and street families around.

We are really grateful for supporting us, first we want to say a big thank you to everyone whom played a role in one way or the other, from Sarah Rosborg to our volunteers, sponsors to our country director Mr. Njogu, to all management team and finally to our beloved and wonderful staffs of Rafiki Mwema we say a big thank you 🙏 our Christmas party was one of a kind and everyone around was thankful.

Rafiki Mtaani started when things became difficult and life was unbearable to our street families on the streets of Nakuru .

That is when Rafiki Mwema thought of starting feeding the streets families at least once a week. Then we got more reasons of why this family’s needs someone to look to love and to care for them. And when we proposed for additional of feeding days on a week, it was then approved and that’s how Rafiki Mtaani started operating directly from the streets, and now it’s four years since then.

It has been a journey that has all the challenges, heartbreaks, great times bad moments name them all, from getting new born babies to losing our boys and girls on death, Successful re-integration and to unsuccessful from some boys became men name them all in short there is nothing that we haven’t seen or experienced on the streets and all that has made us whom we are today strong and experienced to deal with whatever that comes our way. Despite all that we can’t forget to mention great things that has been giving us motivation to continue pushing no matter what, we have our big boys that we started with and we can stand tall and say that we are happy of them because we know where they came from and where they are today it’s a success story.

Mtaani Christmas fundraiser

This was a real holiday, there was so much food that everyone ate to their fullest, most of them could not believe their eyes, they have never seen so much delicious food in front of them.

Mtaani Christmas fundraiser

Some were asking if it’s for real that that food was all theirs.

There were lots and lots of thanks giving from the family to the ladies that prepare the food to our Mtaani family.

There was joy and happiness.

Thank you so very much Sarah and your team back in Australia for putting a smile to this family faces and to our faces too.”

– Rafiki Mtaani staff

Enjoy our photo gallery of the special day with our Mtaani family over on our facebook page. You do not need a Facebook account to view these photos.

“Those who couldn’t walk they were carried by their brothers just to make sure that they had their Christmas. You know what, this family teachers me every day how to be a better person. I just love them. They have the most noble hearts and they love each other so very much.” – Rafiki Mtaani staff member

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