Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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Feeding our Family in Town

We started our Christmas Day early in the morning where we walked around our community with our girls and our manager Eric and we gave food out to our poorest community members. Our children showed …

feeding our family in town11

We started our Christmas Day early in the morning where we walked around our community with our girls and our manager Eric and we gave food out to our poorest community members.

Our children showed such kindness along with our manager Eric. We believe in doing our best to take care of our community members when we can. They were just so grateful to recieve the food and visit from us on Christmas morning. We had many songs sung to us and many, many prayers and blessings!

After spending a morning cooking with our staff and big boys at the farm we headed into town where we picked up soda’s and bread as well and went down to meet our other family members in town.

A very sad reality to not only see many, many boys in town waiting for us but small babies, children and women. Pregnant woman.

There was one boy who had a really badly infected wound on his foot which had made his whole foot swell. It looked as though if his foot was left untreated he would become very unwell and would most likely loose his foot. We have arranged to haver him taken to the hospital and receive medication and check ups until he has recovered.

Everyone who came along was so grateful for the food and soda. Watching our boys with many of their old friends and families was heart breaking and heart warming. They ate till they could not longer fit a thing in and they played soccer along with our family for hours.

It was wonderful and if only for a day, these beautiful souls know they are not forgotten. This is what Christmas is about. Helping those who are less fortunate. Thank you to those of you who donated. Who knows just how yesterday changed some of these kids for the better.. It’s amazing what a small amount of hope can do for someone.

If only we could help all of those who need us. Until then, we do all we can.. with the help from people just like YOU.

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