Major fundraising event

Sat. May 17th Lennox Head, NSW

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Our new head of security: No one better to fill Amos’ shoes

Every month, our team in Kenya nominates a colleague as the Employee of the Month. And Joshua Mutaka, our Head of Security, was the perfect choice for May. He had big shoes to fill after Amos’ passing, but Uncle Joshua has filled them and then some!

A consistent message rang clear in the nominations for May’s Employee of the Month – a person of integrity, who follows his moral principles and cannot be influenced. A person who is determined to strive for the best. And someone who speaks up for what’s right. Congratulations, Joshua Mutaka – we feel 100 per cent safe with you as Head of Security on Doyle Farm!

A special message from Uncle Amos: I really crown him

It was bittersweet to discover the most beautiful message from Uncle Amos, who wrote his nomination before he passed away last year. He wrote, “I really acknowledge the work he’s doing. Despite being illiterate he is doing a great work. He knows no therapy but that doesn’t stop him mingling with our children and doing his work without any misconduct. I really crown him.”

We crown him too, and it’s forever printed on Uncle Joshua’s Employee of the Month certificate. It cannot have been easy to take on the role of Head of Security when Uncle Amos passed away. As Head of Security from the earliest days, Uncle Amos had worked at Rafiki Mwema for such a long time and was a much-loved member of our Rafiki family. But Uncle Joshua stepped up and he has been amazing – we are SO grateful!

Nominations from the Rafiki team

We can’t really say it better than the nominations, and these are just a few of the very special messages about Uncle Joshua:

  • “Joshua shows great commitment and passion towards his work not only as a security personnel but also in the other fields of work in Rafiki Mwema. His humility and respect towards everyone in the farm is commendable. Our girls and boys feel more safe and secure under the protection of Uncle Joshua, especially at night. Even the neighbours to Rafiki Mwema know how serious and committed Uncle Joshua is in his work.”

  • “He is a kind man who respects all, both the children and the staff. He is a dedicated security officer and very open and honest in his work.”

  • “He loves to perform all the task assigned to him. He takes care of our cows and the dogs.”

  • “He is very humble, kind and also social to the boys and the staff. He is loving and gentle and very passionate about his security job.”
  • “He is so kind to both the staff and children. He is straightforward and trustworthy. All our children and staff loves him.”

  • “Very humble and disciplined man who knows how to keep his boundaries with every person and even our kids love him so much. Joshua is not well-educated but very intelligent with his words, and with strong opinion when comes to decision-making. He connects and is playful with our children – well, mostly with our boys. Everywhere he is, you will always find the boys around him, busy making jokes and playing playfully with him.”

  • “To me, this guy deserves this award, because since he joined Rafiki Family he has been doing his assigned duties accordingly. He once worked in the boys house and the connection he made for a short time was marvellous, because these boys – if you can’t have a good bond they will never listen to you no matter what. But with him, he was able to help even those whom had trust issues with other staff. And most of all, he is so humble in whatever he does.”

Thank you, Uncle Joshua

Clearly, we are so SO fortunate to have Uncle Joshua on our team. Whatever he puts his mind to, he commits and does his very best – and is just an all-round awesome person to have around! Congratulations, Uncle Joshua, thank you for all you do for our staff, children, German shepherds and yes, even the cows.

Rafiki Mwema: Our Employees of the Month

We’re delighted to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our Kenyan team each month. Catch up on our previous winners:

April Employee of the Month – Aunty Fancy

March Employee of the Month – Uncle Michael

February Employee of the Month – Uncle Jack

January Employee of the Month – Uncle Stephen

December Employee of the Month – Aunty Nancy

November Employee of the Month – Uncle Nic

October Employee of the Month – Uncle David

September Employee of the Month – Aunty Conci

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